

My first breeding bitch Dual Ch (T) TS Grand Ch  Morningmyst Dark Angel CCD RN “Kaala” is a delight to own and work with. She had her first litter of 8 pups in 2013 – 8 beautiful babies who have all made me very proud. Keanstar pups are active in tracking, showing, community positions (such as therapy dogs) and obedience but most of all are loved members of the families in which they live, as well as remaining part of our extended Keanstar family.

Kaala was the Victorian Golden Retriever Club Challenge Bitch of 2012 (highest scoring show bitch) and Golden Retriever Club of Victoria’s Australian Bred Golden of 2012. She has excelled in tracking, track and search, Rally O and obedience, gaining a perfect score of 100 and winning several trials as the highest scoring competitor!

Kaala has current clear eye and heart certificates. Hips 1:0, Elbows 0:0



“Aurora” Morningmyst Bright Star TDX

Aurora is a cheeky, mischievous girl who has high drive and a superb work ethic. She has almost accrued enough show points to obtain her Aust Ch title – something that will be completed in 2016 after she returns from maternity duties . Aurora has been awarded several class in group awards and has also won the Pointgold Trophy for the highest scoring golden retriever in the 2015 GRCV Tracking Trial.  I look forward to commencing formal obedience trials in 2016 with this very talented girl.

Hips 2:5  Elbows 0:0  Eyes Clear  Heart Clear

Kaala and Aurora



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